Green Village Auto Services
We Service Foreign, Domestic, Classic & Hybrid Vehicles
Green Village Garage is a one-stop shop. Here is a list of the most common services we provide to our customers. If you are in need of a service that is not listed here, please feel free to ask us, and we can take care of it for you.
- Air Conditioning Service
- Alignment
- Clutches
- Complete Brake Service
- Computer Diagnostics
- Computer Programming
- Cooling System Service
- Detailing
- Differential & Driveline Service
- Electrical Service
- Exhaust Service
- Heating Service
- Hydraulic Hoses
- Lube/Oil/Filter
- Preventative Maintence
- Quality Fuels-Gasoline & Diesel
- Propane exchange
- Roadside assistance
- Shocks & Struts
- Small engine & equipment service
- Starters/Alternators
- Steering/Supension Repair
- Timing Belt Service
- Tire & Wheel Service-Mounting & Balancing
- Trailer Service
- Transmission Service
- Tune-Up
- Vehicle Cleaning
- Vehicle Sanitizing Service
- Welding-Aluminum & Steel
- Window repair/replacement
- Wiring
This is electronic courtesy check document of a car, made in our garage